Ryan is one of my soccer team dads. He's a runner that has decided he wants to do triathlons. His wife does Marathons and qualified for Boston. He's super fit but like anyone, trying a new sport can be a bit intimidating. I've been helping him get ready to ride by shepherding him around to some bicycle shops and loaning him one of my bikes. On our first ride he had no problem cranking out 30 miles at whatever pace I wanted to go... The guy is super fit!
He did really well in his first "sprint" triathlon. He placed well up in his age group and averaged 19 mph on the bike.
On the race ride, he passed some guy riding a nice tri-bike and the guy said, "Is that a $$$#&%# mountain bike?" Indeed it was... He borrowed my mountain bike with slicks for the race - lol
After the ride he was doing some reflecting with the neighbors. He commented that his bike helmet really needs to be upgraded. They bought it before he got serious and it may be the largest model on the market. When he looked at the pics of the event though, he also realized that he rode the whole race with it on backwards - lol I guess my cycling lessons need a bit of refinement when it comes to the basics :)