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January 24, 2008


Read Scott

Thanks for the mention yesterday in your post about excellence and perfection. I'm also glad you mentioned Darren Rowse on this post. I did an interview with him this week that I'll be posting tomorrow on my blog if you'd like to check it out. He's got some great insights for church leaders as well as a unique perspective that you'll just have read to believe.

Boyd Bettis


I've been using twitter to post random things I don't want to put in a blog post. It keeps my blogs more streamlined and not a lot of randomness.

I'd suggest hooking it up.

Boyd Bettis


I resisted for awhile. But now I'm hooked. Of course it helps fuel my A.D.D.


Jason Curlee

Love twitter...and oh yeah...I checked...I'm your first follower....hahahaha...now go follow a few and add your twitter home page rss feed to your rss reader and join in on the fun....

I usually post from my google talk and even facebook....streamline it and have a blast.

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