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November 13, 2007


Jonathan Dodson

I just posted on why I am concerned about McLaren...


Kevin Connell

Charles - in the last bullet point about McLaren...what kind of issues are the church, believers, and leaders not addressing? - Kevin

charles Whitmire

Kevin - Great Question... There are many, but one example is the issue of poverty. I recently heard Rick Warren speak about how we as Christians and Pastors seem to ignore the verses relating to the poor. I think we all are pretty guilty of selective reading! Brian is looking at some pretty "big" issues that most churches have yet to get. He's looking at the issue from a global viewpoint and asking, how can we really address this situation wisely. Fortunately, he's not alone - just rare - and I do see the church moving in a good direction...


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Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.

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